Be puzzled not stumped
How do you start a jigsaw puzzle?
Do you do the edges first or colour code the pieces?
Do you work to an organised system or just pick up a piece and hope for the best?
Whether it’s a jigsaw, a Suduko, or even an old Rubix cube how we approach puzzles is very individual, and yet we inherently know that we are all working towards the same outcome.
For some reason when we are faced with problems in the workplace we assume that there is only one right way of solving them, puzzles show us that often there are multiple ways of getting to the same outcome. The moment that we shift our mindset and see problems as puzzles everything changes.
Consider these differences for a moment:
Individual focus on next step
Rigid thinking
Mystery to be solved
Need to have it solved before we start
Mistakes unacceptable
Attitude of anxiety
Shared focus on end result
Flexible thinking
Mystery to be solved
Figure it out on the way
Mistakes acceptable
Attitude of curiousity
Like the jigsaw puzzle the focus should be on the outcome, the end goal, the lid of the jigsaw box, however the puzzle is resolved is acceptable. The next time you are faced with a problem, seek to be puzzled, not stumped, or as Einstein put it, be passionately curious.
“I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.”
Now off to finish that jigsaw puzzle!