- Your health is not where you want it to be because most of the huffing and puffing you do is running from one meeting to another at work
- You drink so much coffee – to make it through each day – that you’re seriously worried you’ll set off the drug scanner at the airport
- Your best ‘worst skill’ is mentally beating the shit out of yourself because you don’t spend enough time with the kidlets or your favourite manfriend, ladyfriend or ladymanfriend...
Sound ridiculously like you — ‘cept maybe the ladymanfriend bit? Great.
You have a choice. It – the chaos and reactiveness – doesn’t have to be this way. There can be double rainbows and sunshine each day.
Now you might still be sitting there thinking to yo'self 'I'm flat-chat already. I really don't need something else on my plate...'
And it's natural to think that way. But you've also got to ask yourself some of these questions;
- if I had my shit together could I relax more?
- would I be more productive at work if I could? #gmst (get my shit together)
- all them bills i forget to pay, the kids lunches I forget to make, and the forgetting to fill the car up with petrol*
*maybe this isn't a #gyst thing, even when I have it all together I just hate it.
Could all this become easier? You betcha it can. And it all starts with one thing. You.
So stop dilly-dallying and check out the program by clicking the links. You'll be glad you did.
DATE: Saturday 16th May
TIME: 9am - 4pm
VENUE: Sydney CBD (venue to be confirmed)