Osher Gunsberg
With over 20 years in the entertainment industry it's hard to remember a time when Osher Gunsberg wasn't on TV (or on the radio). Osher is one of Australia’s most loved celebrities.
When you see someone on TV or hear them on radio we can make assumptions about their lives - when reality may be very very different. Osher has written a memoir, 'Back, After the Break', where he shares his life experiences and some of these are far from the glitz and glamour we associate with the entertainment industry.
Osher talks about how his brain operates differently, and shares openly about his experience with mental health. Having lived with anxiety, panic attacks and weight issues since he was young, he turned to alcohol and drugs to numb his experiences. In our chat Osher talks about how he's navigated sobriety and mental health.
This is a revealing, raw, funny and heartfelt conversation with Osher Gunsberg.
Follow and connect with Osher here:
Facebook: oshergunsberglive/
Live Show - 30th August: osher.is/live
Instagram: osher_gunsberg/