I've got a confession to make - click the video below to find out what it is....

Did you watch it? 

Okay, now you know what I've been taking — it's too good a thing for me to keep to myself. 

Ali's stuff is awesome. Firstly check out this great Free 4-part video course on how to 'Get Cracking'. 

Click on the button below for more info...

Don't stop there. If you want to be part of an incredible one-day event then

join Ali for the



A cracking intensive for cool chicks to move from burnout to stand out

This intensive is currently held in both Sydney and the Gold Coast.

Dates for the next programs are underneath the images below. 

Click directly on the image to book your seat to the next intensive.


SAT 16TH MAY, 2015


Sat 13th June, 2015


 'I'm such a massive fan of Ali. She is a rockstar'- Emma Isaacs, CEO Business Chicks


'I'm such a massive fan of Ali. She is a rockstar'

- Emma Isaacs, CEO Business Chicks

 ‘Ali is one smart, savvy woman. Her ability to ask the questions that no-one else dares to; it’s magic'- Jacinta McDonell - Founder AnyTime Fitness Australia


‘Ali is one smart, savvy woman. Her ability to ask the questions that no-one else dares to; it’s magic'

- Jacinta McDonell - Founder AnyTime Fitness Australia

 ‘Ali has an ability to create a space where you not only want to step into your best self, but you believe it’s your job to go out and do just that’- Tina Tower - CEO Begin Bright, 2014 Telstra Young Business Woman Award Winner


‘Ali has an ability to create a space where you not only want to step into your best self, but you believe it’s your job to go out and do just that’

- Tina Tower - CEO Begin Bright, 

2014 Telstra Young Business Woman Award Winner


Ever got to the end of a year and gone ‘where the heck did that year go?’

Is your calendar fuller than a pensioners all-you-can-eat buffet on cheap Tuesdays?

Are you often sacrificing sleep – or perhaps even a little somethin-somethin’ between the sheets – ‘cos you’re working late at night?


Sure, they’re a few questions that might sound a bit like you. But that was just a a warmup. Mebbe just a little downward dog or child’s pose before we really get cracking. You ready for some real doozies? Be warned though, these might sting a bit. 

  • Your health is not where you want it to be because most of the huffing and puffing you do is running from one meeting to another at work
  • You drink so much coffee – to make it through each day – that you’re seriously worried you’ll set off the drug scanner at the airport 
  • Your best ‘worst skill’ is mentally beating the shit out of yourself because you don’t spend enough time with the kidlets or your favourite manfriend, ladyfriend or ladymanfriend...


Sound ridiculously like you — ‘cept maybe the ladymanfriend bit? Great.


Join Ali Hill, Australia's coolest psychologist as she brings a science-based approach to explore the world of overload and help you to become the boss of busy.  

Who is this Ali Hill?

Mebbe you’re asking ‘who the heck is this chickadee?’ 
Well, I’m chuffed you asked :) 

I’m a Psychologist and a regular contributor on Ch9 MORNINGS show, I’ve written a best-selling business book  ‘Dealing with the Tough Stuff’ and I’ve worked with companies such asPepsico, Sydney Water, BHP Billiton, Griffith University, Bond University, BlueCare and Suncorp just to name a few. There has been a strong focus on supporting women leaders in their roles

In my spare time I turn my hand to cooking and sewing; neither of these very successfully. The last quilt I attempted was soooo bad! Almost got booted out of the family for that one! So I’ve decided to keep focusing on what I do best - supporting women to Stand Out - Not Alone. It does mean there will be no home-baked goods or a quilting club in any program I deliver…sorry if this is a deal-breaker. 



'I'm a massive fan of Ali. She is a rockstar'

- Emma Issacs - CEO Business Chicks


‘Ali is one smart, savvy woman. Her ability to ask the questions that no-one else dares to; it’s magic'

- Jacinta McDonell - Founder AnyTime Fitness Australia



‘Ali has an ability to create a space where you not only want to step into your best self, but you believe it’s your job to go out and do just that’

- Tina Tower - Owner Begin Bright, 2014 Telstra Young Business Woman Award Winner


‘I’ve witnessed Ali build a powerful tribe of women in just half a day. She connects, encourages, and transforms like no other'

- Yamini Naidu - Director at www.yamininaidu.com.au



'Ali's stuff is epic - completely changed what our business stood for. Can't cook to save herself though. Lucky she sticks with what she knows '

- Jen Jackson - Director


‘Ali’s presence and strength are contagious’

- Tricia Velthuizen - Co-Founder Churchill Education



By the way did you know that registering for this event makes you more attractive - scientifically proven (and science doesn't lie). 

So hop to it....

SYDNEY INTENSIVE - 16th May 2015

If the above links don't work you can book directly at Eventbrite by clicking here 


If the above links don't work for you click here to register directly with Eventbrite
