Dr Catherine Ball
In 2015 she won the National Telstra Business Womens award, the AFR’s BOSS Magazine Young Executives of the Year - Winner, and the following year was named in the Westpac 100 Women of Influence list.
Dr Catherine Ball is nearly as nerdy a nerd as you can find. Her mum imparted a strong sense of independence and David Attenborough gave her a passion for planet earth, and these two virtues continue to serve her in her work today.
With a background as an Environmental Scientist Catherine talks about her latest passion project - She Flies aims to reach 100,000 Australian women and girls by 2020. Let’s just say this conversation has inspired me to go and buy a drone and learn to fly it.
We talk about why we all need to embrace technology and try something new on a regular basis - which is a pretty good philosophy on life.
Catherine is passionate, energetic and her drive for change is engaging. This is a conversation that will leave you wanting to unleash your inner nerd.
Soak up all the energy that is Catherine Ball.