Managers - Are you having the tough conversations you need to?
Recent research shows feedback discussions are the least enjoyed management task second only to firing someone. (source: Gallup) So how have we got to this point? How has having a direct, real and necessary conversation with staff, clients or suppliers become so hard? In a nutshell, we have been shown processes without considering the human element in the discussion.
In this one-day learning program you will learn the science of human behaviour, non-verbals and advanced communication techniques designed to:
de-personalise tough feedback
uncover some root causes of difficult behaviour
craft behaviour modi!cation strategies
avoid the language that causes conflict
help you get clear with your requests
show you the best way to be assertive in any situation
Dealing With the Tough Stuff can show you how to not only survive the tough conversations, but to thrive within them, leading to;
more productive performance discussions and
substantially less conflict