2019 Stand Out Planner
Fill out your details below and the planner will be shoot to your inbox shortly (by shortly it may take a couple of minutes but trust that its-a-coming)
Heya there amazing human,
If you’re new to the Stand Out Planner I’m pumped that you have found your way to this corner of the information super-highway.
If you have been through this process before and have been waiting for the 2019 version of the Stand Out Planner since, well let’s be honest.... Easter, then consider this your snuggly welcome back hug. I’m excited to have you dive into this space again. Because of you I’ve poured more gems into this years planner for you to sit with.
2019 is going to be unlike any other year.
In a world of noise, busy, and relentless change the very thing that we crave the most is valuable, soul-enriching space. Space to dream, to reflect, to see opportunity, to dance with possibility. This planner is your space where the noise dims slightly and you can swap the treadmill of to-do, for the possibility of the new.
Now 2019 is going to bring all sorts of twists; some planned, others will come at you faster than a swooping magpie in spring. What you carve out in these pages are the things that will bring you back to what matters when life shows up.
This is your life, chase down those things that truly matter to you.
This planner is filled with questions to stretch you. They are an invitation to dive deeper into what could be different. It doesn’t stop there though. This year is also going to require work. The thing that you crave won’t just turn up on your doorstep—unlike that online shopping you forgot you did in a drunken haze on Saturday night—you’ll need to work for it. Defend it, map it out, stand up for it.
What are you waiting for? Now’s the time to be deliberate in your actions. And action #1 on the list is to pop your details* in the form below so we can drop the planner straight into your inbox.
Here’s to turning the quiet whispers of your heart into an orchestral boom.
Love Ali xx
* we respect your details and won’t be spamming you with other promo’s or information throughout the year. The only thing we might connect with is to let you know when 2020 planner will be available.
To connect more these little buttons below will take you to other play-grounds where I hang out:
Now what?
Great question. Fill out your details below and confirm your request via an email from Mailchimp. Once you confirm the planner will swoop into your inbox with grace and confetti.