2018 Stand Out Planner
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The kick-start of a brand new year feels like a gift. We get to wipe the slate clean from everything we didn’t get around to doing last year, from those moments where we held back, where we weren’t the best versions of ourselves, where we over-indulged a little too much on Auntie Bettie’s rum balls.
We get to start brand new.
It’s exciting right?!
So, how’s 2018 going to be diferent?
How do you make sure that your desires don’t fall into the abyss of busyness?
Well there’s one ingredient you need to step into now, one ingredient above all else…
You work on them.
Life will pull in you a million different directions this year, if you let it.
The way to combat that, to stay steadfast on what’s important to you is to get clear on your intention for the year.
This planner is filled with questions to that are worthy of your answers. Your Answers. No-one else’s, not what you think you ‘should’ put down, not what society, TV, that nosey next-door neighbour tells you. Just what rings true for you.
There’s no pressure here, no Instagram filter you need to consider. Just you, some thought-provoking questions, and a plan to step purposefully into the year that you want to create.
As Anne Lamott says here’s to 2018 being the where you have a 'big juicy creative life of imagination and radical silliness'. I'm up for that!
Are you ready to step bravely into the unknown?
Ali xx
Connect on one of the ways below and let me know what you plan to do with 2018!
Now what? Well - fill out your deets below, confirm your request via the email that will hit your inbox, and the planner will be emailed to you pronto (times-awastin'...)